Kashmiri Walnut

Kashmiri Walnut

Locally known as “Doen”, Kashmiri walnuts are organic (a USP of the nuts) as no sprays and fertilisers are used in their cultivation.

Traditionally, Kashmiri walnuts have enjoyed good demand in both domestic and international markets. Yet ever since walnuts from California, Chile and China have entered the Indian market, Kashmir’s walnut industry has suffered a set back.


Mission? Walnut harvesting.

The sleepy village of Harwan is usually quiet with lush green fields flanked by brooks and the sound of chirping birds. However, from the end of September to the first week of October, you can hear the rustle of leaves and the sound of fresh walnuts hitting the ground.

Some of these heroes climb upon rooftops of nearby houses, while others undertake an arduous journey of climbing the trees and poking the cluster of fruits until the green walnuts fall off the branches.


Walnuts, known as 'Akhrot' in Hindi and 'Doon' in Kashmiri, are mostly cultivated in hilly areas. A majority of India’s indigenous stock comes from Kashmir’s hilly terrains where the harvest season lasts only a few weeks.


India's walnut exports have been shrinking; they came down from 3,292 metric tonnes valued at Rs 117.92 crore in 2015-16 to 1069.75 metric tonnes worth Rs 29.75 crore in 2020-21. (Photo: Irfan Amin Malik)

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